Our company was born in 1996 in the province of Vicenza as a small company of precision machining and, in 2000 the need to have more space for our production, it led us to choose the venue of Zimella, in the province of Verona, where, still today, all the realization of our products happens.
From the beginning we have augmented the machinery and the organic; since there, today, all our products made by the qualified staff are shipped.
We have 20 years of experience in the field of precision mechanical components, but we continue to invest in the technology innovation and in the quality of the final product.
Our company structure it's composed of Emanuele, Luca, Paola Pasqualotto and Agostino Dalla Gassa, all daily engaged with highly responsibility roles inside the company.
Our team, instead, is composed of more than 20 qualified workers in the precision machining
coordinated by a head of production and by a head of quality control, both of them always in direct contact withe their own customers.
T.M.G. has achieved TÜV SÜD Management System Certification according to ISO 9001:2015. The ISO 9001 Quality Management System is the most famous standard for quality improvement, which today has more than one million certified organisations in 180 countries. The 9000 series standard published by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is the only one that can be used for conformity assessment.